Sunday, December 17, 2006

drink it up!

Alright, I swear, this is my last beverage post for a little while. 3 drink posts in a row? Well, I guess it's time to bottoms up!

For anyone who has been reading this blog for a while knows that I'm not a big fan of bananas. Sure, I do love a slice of banana bread once in awhile, but I certainly can't stomach one outta the peel, caramelized with butter or popped into a smoothie. No way, not this girl! But, my husband is smitten with the fruit and because I'm smitten with him, I'll go ahead and caramelize some bananas as a topping to his waffle and I'll blend up a frozen banana into his smoothie. He's definitely a lucky man and he knows it!

This morning I decided to surprise him with a special seasonal smoothie....and I used another ingredient that he loves and I hate: eggnog. I remember my mom making eggnog from scratch around the holidays and loving it. It wasn't sickly sweet or gag-inducingly thick but ever since those long ago days, I've stayed away from the stuff. Commercial varieties - even the organic stuff in a bottle from Avalon - still makes me gag. But Cornelius loves eggnog and my special breakfast smoothie didn't disappoint.

banana eggnog smoothie
1 1/2 frozen banana
1/2 c eggnog (from a carton)
skim milk
1 pinch nutmeg
1/2 t cinnamon

Add frozen banana and eggnog into a blender and add enough milk to cover. Blend on high. Add in the nutmeg and cinnamon adding more milk if necessary. Blend again to combine.

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