Wednesday, November 16, 2005

some days are just not worth mentioning...

...but for the sake of this blog, i might as well get it over with. It's been a tough week. This week, I'm working away from home doing graphic design for a large corporation during the day which takes me away from my working from home day job. Not only am I working all day, I also have a lot of freelance work on my plate right now and cooking is the last thing on my mind. All of my entries so far have been "do's". Unfortunately, I can classify this week as a "don't".

Monday, I came home from work, ate a fast bowl of cereal before I went to my Monday night bowling league.

Tuesday, I ransacked the fridge and decided that I could make a soup with a few random ingredients: rice noodles, celery, carrots, onions and corn. Just because I could make a soup doesn't mean that I should have. It was a horrible mess and I ended up eating some frozen corn that I heated up in the microwave.

Today at work, someone gave me a piece of persimmon to try. It was really crunchy and mild tasting, but since I'm only a fan of sour fruits, I wasn't too impressed. Tonight, we gussied up some Yves Veggie Cuisine Bavarian "sausages" with some caramelized onions and yellow mustard and ate them on a rustic bun from a local bakery. It wasn't magic but caramelized onions can do no wrong, in my opinion.

After taking a peek at the Yves site, I think I know what I will make for tommorrow night's dinner as we have every single ingredient needed for their unstuffed cabbage rolls. Fake meat two nights in a row! We really need to go grocery shopping.

* UPDATE: I really did end up making the unstuffed cabbage rolls from the Yves site. Verdict? Comforting and yummy. It was easy to make, healthy and delicious. Hooray for fake meat. Really!

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